Prepare yourself for the exciting journey ahead as you eagerly await the arrival of your bundle of joy.
Prepare yourself for the exciting journey ahead as you eagerly await the arrival of your bundle of joy.
The exciting new territory of starting a family or adding another little one to your brood often comes with an array of questions. Explore helpful information, tips and guides for navigating preconception and pregnancy.
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that supports your baby’s healthy brain and retina development during pregnancy. It accounts for 97% of all omega-3 fatty acids in the brain.
During pregnancy and their first years of life, DHA is deposited in your child’s brain at an accelerated rate, which plays an important role in supporting their brain development and cognitive function.
To learn more about the role of omega-3 DHA, click here.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding, iodine helps to support your baby’s organ and tissue development. It’s particularly important for supporting their healthy brain development.
You can find more information about pregnancy nutrition here.
Folate is an especially important nutrient during preconception, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
During preconception, folate helps to prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Once you fall pregnant, it helps to support a healthy pregnancy and healthy placental growth.
You can find more information about pregnancy nutrition here.
The 1000 days between a baby’s conception and their 2nd birthday are widely recognised as a unique and influential period, during which the foundations of the child’s lifelong health may be laid.
Experts suggest these first 1000 days (a period of time when the health and wellbeing of a mother and her child are closely linked) have the potential to influence the child’s ability to grow, learn and thrive.
To learn more about the importance of the first 1000 days, click here.
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstericians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) recommends that women planning to fall pregnant should take a folate supplement containing no less than 0.5mg of folic acid every day.
This supplement should be taken for at least one month prior to conception and during the first three months of pregnancy to help reduce the risk of neural tube defects and spina bifida.
RANZCOG also recommends a 150mcg per day iodine supplement during preconception, pregnancy and while breastfeeding to help support the baby’s brain development.
You can find more information about pregnancy nutrition here.
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