5th Aug 2020

If you’ve ever played an overly enthusiastic game of tennis or footy on the weekend, maintained less than ideal posture at work, or slept on a particularly lumpy mattress, you’re likely familiar with a mild back ache.

Many of us have experienced this at one point or another and symptoms may vary depending on the cause.

But, whether it was a sudden twang or a slower build over time, you may be wondering how to relieve your symptoms.

Read on to discover four alternative back ache tips that may help. But remember, if your symptoms persist or worsen talk to your health professional.

Get Some Rest

It might sound like a no brainer, but it is nevertheless important. If you feel discomfort, don’t ignore it. Instead, rest your back as soon as you experience pain.

Preferably, lay flat on your back on a hard surface. Spend a few minutes there and avoid any sudden movements.

While you’re resting, you may wish to apply an ice pack to the affected area – just like you would do for a sore ankle or knee.

The cooling effect of the ice may help to reduce the inflammation in the area.

Top tip: Wrap up the ice pack in a tea towel to provide a bit of a barrier between it and your skin.

If your symptoms are mild, you may wish to discover the two main methods (RICER and Avoid HARM) to keep in mind during the first 48-82 hours after. To discover these methods, click here.

However, if you’re concerned about your back ache, pay a visit to your local health professional. They’ll look you over, and provide tailored advice based on your injury.

Stretch It Out

If you’re experiencing mild back discomfort, you may find it helpful to stretch. If you’re looking for some stretches to start you off, pay a visit to your local physiotherapist’s office for advice.

One of the key things to remember about stretching is that it works best when it is done regularly.

Once or twice a day, move into a space big enough for you to stretch in comfortably and get to work. Try and hold each stretch for about 10 seconds, breathing in and out smoothly.

Remember, if you’re already experiencing a back ache, it’s important to stretch but not force it. After all, a stretch should never be painful. Discover the importance of stretching here.

Consider Applying Heat

If you’ve got some mild nagging back discomfort as opposed to an acute injury or pain resulting from exertion, you may feel your muscles tensing up over time.

In these cases, heat may help to relax your muscles and reduce this tension. Try using a heat pack on the affected area to keep your muscles warm.

Alternatively, you may like to opt for a soak in a warm bath.

You might feel a little more limber afterwards, but you should still be careful in your movements. Don’t jump back into action the second you’re pain is relieved. Instead, take the opportunity to slowly ease yourself back into your usual routine.


Identify The Source

Although the cause of back pain is sometimes obvious (like a sports-related injury) other times it may be the result of a persistent build-up over time.

Poor posture, bad form at the gym, or persistent stress may all contribute to discomfort. So, it may be useful to assess your daily routine and try to identify these potential causes.

Is your chair at work slightly off-kilter? Do you find yourself slouching over the course of the day? If so, eliminating these factors may help to relieve your mild back pain.

However, if your symptoms are frequent or get worse over time, take a trip to your health professional. They can assess your individual experiences and provide unique advice and tips for managing your symptoms moving forward.


If you’ve found these tips helpful, you may be interested in learning more about the following:

Mild Aches And Pains: 10 Things You Should Know

The Truth About Stretching Your Muscles Everyday