5th Aug 2020

If your bub is struggling to drift off to dreamland, these five baby sleep tips may help lull them into a peaceful slumber sooner rather than later.

After all, from weary parents to restless bubs, there’s an array of stereotypes when it comes to settling babies to sleep.

But, as with many facets of parenting, no two families are the same. So, it’s important not to compare your experiences to that of other parents.

After all, it’s perfectly reasonable for a baby to wake during the night for feeding or for comfort.

While disrupted sleeping patterns are a common occurrence for young babies, there are some tips that you may like to try to help support your little one’s slumber.

Read on to discover our five baby sleep tips. But remember, if you have any concerns about your little one’s sleep, it’s important to talk to your health professional.

Establish A Consistent Bed Time Routine

A short and sweet bedtime routine may be an excellent way to lay the groundwork for settling your baby.

This could include four simple steps – a bath, a change of nappy, pyjamas, and a story or song.

A relaxing routine in the lead up to bedtime may help to set a calming atmosphere, making your baby’s room a pleasant place to doze off in.

Differentiate Between Feeds

Sending your little one cues throughout the day may help them to recognise when it’s time for sleep. You may like to signal to your baby that it’s time for rest by setting the tone while feeding them.

Try making daytime feeds social and energetic while keeping night-time feeds quiet and calm.

By changing the tone between feeds, you may help to set your bub’s internal body-clock and help them to spot the difference between day and night.

Assess Their Sleeping Conditions

Observing your baby’s sleeping environment may also helpful. Reduce sensory stimulation by making sure the room quiet and dark with good ventilation.

Incorporating soft background sounds such as calming music or radio may also be comforting for your bub.

If you’re unsure about the requirements of a safe sleeping environment for your baby, explore Red Nose’s recommendations and talk to your paediatrician.

Share The Role

If possible, you may find it useful to split the responsibilities of comforting your baby during the night with a partner.

Taking turns getting up in the night to check on your little one may help to ensure you both get as much sleep as possible.

Although this strategy involves both partners being disturbed during the night, sharing the load may help you to have more energy for the day to come.

Consider A Security Object

If your little one is more than 7 months old, you may wish to try giving them a soft toy to provide comfort and connection at bedtime.

Once again, it’s important to note Red Nose’s recommendations around soft toys in the sleeping environment.

Security objects such as soft toys, baby blankets and pillows should never be placed in the sleeping environment for infants younger than 7 months.

Every baby’s sleeping habits are unique and your experiences may even vary from child to child. Although this period of disturbed sleep may be challenging, it’s important to keep in mind that it is temporary.

If you are concerned about your baby’s or your own sleeping habits, talk to your health professional.

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